Rhiannon: Celtic Goddess Of the Sun, Horses And Inspiration

Celtic goddess Rhiannon was a fairy princess and ruler of the sun itself. ​If, when I said fairy princess, your mind jumped to the image of a pretty little butterfly creature fluttering in the flowers like the fairies you see on greeting cards, you can be forgiven, but you’d be wrong. Dead wrong.

​Rhiannon Origins

Rhiannon is one of the deities with the strongest and most intriguing influence on our culture during the last few centuries. Her exact origins aren’t exactly clear, but the first written traces of her are in Mabinogion, a collection of early Welsh stories. 

However, the story of Rhiannon existed much earlier than Mabinogion, and it is believed that she is a version of an early Celtic goddess. Rhiannon is also often associated with Epona, a Gaulish goddess of horses. Both of these goddesses date way back, several centuries before Christ. 


When talking about Rhiannon, it is worth telling more about Mabinogion, a collection of stories in which Rhiannon is one of the major characters. Mabinogion features stories about ancient heroes of Britain.

In this collection, you can read about the adventures of Pwyll, Rhiannon’s husband. He was such an important character that his cauldron later became the Holy Grail of King Arthur.

Some other interesting characters are Branwen, a tragic princess that lost everyone she loved, and Goewin, a famed virgin that had the ability to prevent wars.

The Goddess Rhiannon Loved Her Job

​Rhiannon didn’t mind having to get up in the dark to head to the stables before dawn. When she arrived, her horse was already groomed and fed and raring to go. Together they pulled the sun across the sky each day. 

Sometimes dreams and memories popped into her head while she rode. This one specific morning, it was a dream that was troubling her. Funny that — variations of this dream seemed to appear frequently, but she’d always been able to easily brush it off. 

But the feeling of this last dream still lingered. She could almost feel the girls still hiding behind the bushes, taunting her, calling her stuck-up and worse. Then they’d giggle and run away before Rhiannon could see who they were.

​In the dreams, she’d tell herself, “Silly girls, nothing on their minds but the latest fashions, spreading gossip and flirting with boys. Who are they to judge me?” and she would continue on her way, undisturbed. Rhiannon wasn’t about to let this unpleasantness spoil a perfectly fine day. 

Rhiannon Enjoying Her Interests and Tricks

Internet Archive Book Images, via Wikimedia Commons

She’d learned long ago that you could control your emotions by replacing a painful thought with one that was positive instead, and that’s just what she did. So, she reached out for the happy memories of times spent with her dad in his library. 

For a fairy king, he was quite a good scientist, and she’d learned a lot at his side. Oh, how she relished those special moments when he praised her for having such a ‘fine rational mind”!

​The science that she loved best was measurement. Just by understanding the ‘mathematics’ and the ‘physics’ of things, she could do the most impressive tricks! First, there was the ‘Sun Trick,’ her absolute favorite. 

By pulling the sun at just the right speed and the right distance from earth, she could make it look like the sun was much closer to the ground than it really was. The best part of the trick was that it looked as if it was hardly moving at all, even though it was racing through the sky! 

This was her best trick; she did it so well that it would be years before anyone even suspected it was just an illusion. She could also create a bag large enough to hold a grown man and then fold it in just such a way that it looked just about the size of a woman’s purse or a small shopping bag. 

Maybe someday, some brilliant person would figure out the trick of it like she had. But until that day, she enjoyed just having everyone think it was magic!

​There’s a Hero on the Horizon

​You’d think it would grow boring doing the same thing day after day, but she adored all that time on her own. It allowed Rhiannon to do her best in thinking and planning, helping her get organized and ready to spring into action to reach her goals and dreams. 

As a bonus, it gave her a bird’s eye view of current events and a chance to stay well-informed about what the new hero, Prince Pwyll of Dwyfed, was doing. She’d never met him, but she’d certainly been amazed and excited hearing about his noble nature and, most of all, his recent exploits.

He’d had easily proven his ability to govern, but it was his bravery in combat that made her heart skip a beat. His clever adventures left her breathless with admiration for his daring, not to mention his exceptional leadership. 

Pwyll was definitely the “Man of the Year” —a genuine hero if ever there was one. Already a prince in his homeland of Dwyfed, now he’d formed an alliance and begun his rule in Annwfn (the Otherworld). He was about to become king in his own right.

So, on that day, the goddess Rhiannon reined in her horse for a brief look as the sun rolled to a stop just behind her. She was determined to see what was going on down there on earth. 

Large crowds had formed all over Dwyfed, and the people were cheering wildly. “Just what I expected.” she said to herself, thinking of Pwyll, “They’re making him their new King. “Prince, hero, King, he’s earned it all.”

Rhianon Falls In Love

“Courageous, wealthy, noble,” she counted off on her fingers, “and now king.” Yes, Rhiannon was definitely smitten by that man. But there’s a fly in the ointment, a bit of a problem she’d have to work around. And soon.

As was traditional in those times, her parents had already arranged for her to wed another man. The marriage contract had been signed, and arrangements for her royal wedding were already underway.

Rhiannon didn’t look forward to telling her parents about this change of heart and this change of plans. It was not going to be easy. She couldn’t argue that Gwawl, her fiancé, was unsuitable—he was young, handsome, courteous, and wealthy.

No, that wasn’t it at all. It was that she wanted to be the one to choose. Her mind was made up—even if it meant she would be defying convention, even if it meant paying a hefty fine for breaking the contract. 

Although resourceful, Rhiannon made a mental note to see what she could do to get out of paying the fine. Either way, she was resolved it would be Pwyll she would marry, not Gwawl.

Rhiannon was confident. Her parents rarely said no. It wasn’t that they’d spoiled her—she’d always been good, met her responsibilities, and done well—she’d earned their trust and support.

The beginning of the plan began to unfold in Rhiannon’s keen mind. As everyone knew, when Rhiannon has a plan, before you know it.  Voila! It’s done! “Hmmh, ” Rhiannon mused, “I think it’s about time I meet the man I’m about to marry.”

​The King Takes A Queen (Or was it the other way around?)

Sacred Texts.com, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

​Shortly after becoming king of Dwyfd and the ruler of Annwfn, Pwyll and his companions sat on a great grass-covered mound above the castle. It was believed to be the magical place that covered an entrance to Annwfn, the Otherworld kingdom that lay beneath the earth. 

(Note: In Celtic mythology, the Otherworld is the land of the dead and also the home of the gods and goddesses and other powerful spirits, both the good and the malevolent. Annfwn was like a parallel universe—reflecting the world above but perfected and luxurious. In archetypal psychology, such a place represents the unconscious mind, chaotic, free from the constraint of being rational, orderly, or bound by rules or conventions.)

It had been explained to Pwyll that when a man of high birth sat on that mound, either something monstrous or dangerous would appear, or he would witness a marvel of some sort. You took your chances sitting there—it was something only the brave would dare to do. 

Rhiannon Enchants Pwyll

Pwyll and his men were sitting and hoping for a marvel, of course. And they weren’t disappointed. That fateful afternoon, the beautiful Rhiannon rode slowly by, dressed in gold silk that glittered like the sun, calmly pacing on her powerful pale-white horse.

Needless to say, the prince was enchanted. He sent one of his men to follow her and find out who she was and why she’d come this way. The footman soon returned, saying he’d been unable to catch up with her before she’d disappeared from sight. They decided to return to the mound tomorrow and try again.

They returned the following day, this time bringing their finest steeds. Once again, they failed. The men reported that it was as if her horse’s feet scarcely touched the ground and though she moved slowly and peacefully, the fastest horses in the kingdom could not catch up with her. 

Pwyll fell under her spell

Pwyll was utterly intrigued. So, he returned the following day, and once more, Rhiannon appeared. But no matter how quickly he pursued her, the distance between them always remained the same. When his horse trembled with exhaustion and could go no more, Pwyll called out for her to wait.

Rhiannon halted. But when he drew close, she gently chided him, “It would have been much kinder to your horse,” she teased, “if you had simply asked me to wait much earlier.”

​“This was no ordinary woman,” he thought, “This is a woman with a mind of her own and the confidence to speak that mind, quite unlike all the flirtatious young women who overwhelm me with their fawning adoration and praise since I’ve become such a hero.”

“No,” thought Pwyll, “this is the kind of woman I want as a partner, someone to truly share the throne, to rule with me as Queen.” He had barely managed to catch his breath when Rhiannon, seeming to read his mind, volunteered the information he was really seeking. She told him who she was and that she had come to find him, seeking his love.

Pwyll’s heart was completely captivated by this forthright woman who commanded his respect.

The Wedding Preparation

Rhiannon said that he must wait a year, giving her time to organize the wedding feast, and then, he should come to her, and she would marry him. For in those days, the wedding WAS the feast. There was no special ceremony. Marriages were witnessed as a public ‘sitting’ of the woman and man together, eating at the feast. 

They were then witnessed going into an adjoining bedroom to become lovers, thus sealing the marriage and joining the wealth and resources of their two families. The arrangements completed, Rhiannon bid him goodbye and departed.

​All good things come to those who wait.

​One year later, Pwyll presented himself at her father’s court as she had commanded. As he and his company rode to her home, the trees suddenly parted before them, clearing a path, closing in behind them when they passed. 

Three songbirds swooped playfully in the air around them, showing them the way, and singing beautiful music, inducing a deep calm in them. Their first sight of the king’s palace stunned Pwyll and his men. Never before had they seen such magnificence! Surrounded by a lake, the castle was built not of wood or stone but of pure gold. Its spires soared and glistened into the heavens.

The Wedding Begins

Crowds greeted Pwyll and his men with jubilation. The kingdom had never seen a wedding feast so great as this one. Rhiannon had organized everything to the perfection that the hundreds of people attending could possibly desire in food, drink, comfort, and entertainment. Her household and the guests were both welcoming and merry.

Until… Something went horribly wrong.

​After the eating and before the bedding, a well-dressed, handsome young man who’d just arrived approached Pwyll courteously, asking for a boon or wedding favor, as was the custom. “Oh yes,” responded the groom-to-be, “This is such a happy day for me that I’ll give you anything you ask that’s within my power.”

It was a serious mistake, as the stranger then calmly asked for Rhiannon herself! Unbeknownst to Pwyll, this stranger was Gwawl, the man to whom Rhiannon had been arranged to marry. Pwyll had fallen into a trap. As a nobleman, he was obliged to honor his promise.

Rhiannon Comes Up With a Daring Plan

When Gwawl took the seat of the groom-to-be, Rhiannon asked him to allow her a brief moment outside to regain her composure. Away from the wedding party inside, she took Pwyll soundly to task for having been so brash with his words. 

But having already formulated a plan, Rhiannon then took him aside to direct him on how they could outwit the other man. She cleverly laid a plan so they would appear to comply with Gwawl’s request. And this is how Pwyll, following her instructions, managed to trick his rival this time: 

Disguising himself in raggedy clothes, he came back into the hall and approached the new groom-to-be, Gwawl, to ask for a wedding boon for himself. He asked only for just enough food to fill his little bag and keep him from starving.

With the help of magic

Little did Gwawl realize it was one of the ‘magical’ bags that Rhiannon had designed. As the servants filled the little bag with food from the feast, it never seemed to get any fuller. Gwawl complained that this beggar was going to consume the entire feast. 

Rhiannon told him that she’d heard that the only way to end it was for a nobleman with many lands to be bold enough to step inside the bag and stomp on it from the inside. Gwawl, foolishly hoping to be the hero, walked into the bag. Pwyll then flipped the bag and knotted the strings. Now it was Gwawl’s turn to be the one who was trapped!

Rhiannon announced that he would be released only on two conditions: one was that he give her up and not seek revenge. The other that he also pay for her great wedding feast! Gwawl readily agreed to her terms and, leaving the couple with guarantees on the money owed, he left to return home.

Which Goddess Are You - Quiz

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Rhiannon Leaves Her Childhood Home

The day after the wedding, Rhiannon left with Pwyll, as his equal and his queen, to go to their home in Dwyfed in the west. When they emerged from the great forest, and the trees closed behind them, Rhiannon took a moment to glance lovingly behind her. 

She knew that the entrance to the fairy kingdom was now closed and that she could never return to her childhood home. However, she didn’t pause for long and seemed to have no regrets.

The arrival of the royal couple was cause for great celebration throughout the land. How enthusiastically she was welcomed by her husband’s people! She was much admired for her great beauty and her lovely singing (and, of course, for her great wealth, as she gave rich gifts to all).

But this honeymoon with the people was not to last.

The Long Awaited Child

When two full years had passed without Rhiannon becoming pregnant with an heir to the throne, the question of her bloodline —and her fitness to be queen—began to be raised. Pwyll’s trusted advisors began to pressure him to take another wife, one that would prove more fertile. 

Pwyll persuaded them to give the couple more time. He couldn’t begin to imagine how lonely it would feel without her at his side advising him, sharing fully in his dreams and visions for the kingdom.

Fortunately, the next year on May Eve, Rhiannon delivered a fine and healthy son. They were jubilant, but the baby soon became the source of great anxiety and distress for Rhiannon and Pwyll.

​Murder Most Foul

​As was the custom then, six noble maidens had been assigned as ladies-in-waiting. They were to stay with Rhiannon in her quarters to look after her and to help her care for the baby during her lying-in.

Although the young women were supposed to sit vigil throughout the night, at midnight, they curiously all fell asleep on the job. They awakened to discover that the newborn child was gone. 

Terrified they would be punished severely for their carelessness and their families ruined by the scandal, they devised a plan to cast the blame on Rhiannon. After all, she was a Fairy, an outsider, not one of their own people.

So, they killed a hunting hound’s puppy, smearing its blood on Rhiannon’s face as she slept, and scattered its bones in her bed. When Rhiannon awoke, they brazenly accused the queen of eating her own child. Rhiannon knew that they lied, and she did all she could to persuade them to speak the truth. 

But they felt she had never been friendly, always proud and aloof, so they felt absolutely no loyalty to her. There was nothing to be done about it. Rhiannon swore her innocence, but her denials could not stand against that of six noble witnesses under oath. 

The Punishment

Even though he was suffering from his own shock and grief, and against the pleas of his advisors, Pwyll stood by her and refused to divorce her. Instead, he ordered penance (a self-punishment intended to express repentance for one’s wrongdoing).

Rhiannon designed a clever penance for herself (most likely, they planned it together, given the strength of their marriage), knowing it would spread her story far and wide. They hoped that, eventually, someone might recognize her lost child. 

So, Rhiannon bore that humiliating punishment without complaint. Rhiannon’s penance – for seven years, she must sit at the horse mounting block by the castle gate, telling all guests the story of her hideous crime. Then she would have to offer to carry them on her back, like a horse, all the way to the castle.

The Beast of Burden

Albert Herter, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

​Through the bitter cold of winters and the dusty heat of four summers, Rhiannon endured with great courage and dignity. Her calm, quiet acceptance of her fate was so touching that few accepted her offer to transport them into the castle. 

The great honor which Pwyll continued to show her also had a profound effect. Every night, he welcomed her to the high table to sit beside him as his queen. Often, he openly sought her considered opinion on matters of state. 

Theirs was a strong marriage indeed, and the people who had learned to trust their king and his judgment began to soften their opinion about his wife.

Respect for Rhiannon began to spread throughout the country as travelers talked of the wretched punishment and the dignity with which she bore her suffering. In the fourth year of her penance, seven strangers appeared at the gate: a well-dressed nobleman, a young boy, and their retainers. 

Rhiannon rose to greet them, saying, “I am she who killed my only child, and this is my punishment, to sit here and tell my tale to all comers. I must also offer to carry each of you into the court.” Aghast, the boy adamantly refused to allow such a thing.

Of Heroes and Homecomings

Is there any way this boy could be their lost son? Who is he that the adults in his presence took his opinions and directions so seriously? You certainly have a right to ask. The newborn babe disappeared only four years ago, but this young boy clearly seems to be on the cusp of manhood, seemingly about 12 years of age or so. 

How could he possibly be their lost son? What you need to understand is that this child grew as a hero-child at triple the speed of an ordinary child. There were others who, like him, were semi-divine and had done the same.

Here’s how this was described in one translation of the Mabinogi, the oldest stories on record in Britain, tales that are full of myths and legends:

The Miraculous Child

​The child was brought up in the court until he was one year old. And before [the end of] his [first] year, he was walking steadily and was stronger than a three-year-old boy of the greatest growth and size. 

And [after] he had been raised for another year, he was as sturdy as a six-year-old boy. Before the end of the fourth year, he was striking deals with the stable lads to be allowed to lead [the horses] down to the water).

Having politely declined Rhiannon’s invitation to have her carry them, the visitors walked to the castle instead. As noble guests, they were seated at the high table for dinner. Their hosts were certainly welcoming and polite, but it seemed that the table itself was enshrouded with gloom—all there were sad and quiet, still mourning the lost baby prince and Rhiannon’s public shaming. 

But all that would change when the visitor, Lord Tyrnon told their tale. Upon hearing their story, Rhiannon instantly knew that this boy was her son, especially when she saw that he carried a small scrap of golden silk, a remnant of the gown her babe had worn, embroidered by her own hand.

The story the visitors told was a strange one, but all who heard knew it to be the truth. This story went like this.

​The Badger and the Monstrous Claw

​”My favorite mare had given birth on the eve of May every year. Each time the foal would mysteriously disappear before I woke and had a chance to see it. So, on May Eve four years ago”, he said, “I brought the mare into my hall to care for her when she started into labor.”

It was a good thing, too. Lord Tyrnon was forced to fight a fearsome monster when, at midnight, a monstrous claw came through the window, grasped the newborn foal, and began to ferociously pull it through the window. 

Later, when Tyrnon returned from chasing the monster away from the house, he heard cries and found an infant lying abandoned by the door, wrapped in gold silk. Sometimes, when this tale is retold, a curious possibility is raised—that the monster he fought was actually the insulted badger lord who had interrupted Rhiannon’s wedding feast and now was taking his revenge by kidnapping her son.

A Boy Adopted

Since Lord Tyrnon’s wife had been unable to bear a child, they welcomed the foundling. The couple decided to keep the baby as their own, and she mothered him lovingly. A few years later, the rumors of Rhiannon’s fate reached the lord’s ears. He suddenly recalled how very much the boy looked like the famous king Pwyll. 

At that moment, he knew what had happened and what he should do about it. Lord Tyrnon was known as a good man. But first, he needed to confer with his wife. Like Pwyll and Rhiannon’s, their marriage was a true partnership based on shared values and mutual respect.

The Return of The Son

He dreaded this discussion nonetheless, knowing full well that it would break her heart. He trusted his wife enough to know she’d also understand that there was only one right thing to do. So, with his wife’s blessing, he’d set out to return the child to his birth parents. Truth be told, the pall is broken, and the kingdom once more can thrive.

Soon the news that the King and Queen’s son was alive and had returned spread throughout the countryside. Now everyone saw the striking resemblance and recognized the boy was truly Pwyll’s son. 

Rhiannon was restored to happiness, and Pwyll’s steadfast faith in her had been awarded. This was a great cause for celebration. The pall that had hung over the kingdom had finally lifted, and the healing had begun.

​A Brief Glimpse Into The Future

​And what was to become of the son, Pryderi? He was reared as the heir to the throne and grew up to be a famous hero as well. Following the death of Pwyll, Rhiannon often participated in the adventures of her famous son and eventually remarried.

She eventually remarried, choosing for her second husband another heroic Welsh figure, Manawydan fab Llŷr. The two had a harmonious marriage filled with mutual respect and affection.

Rhiannon Vs. Brigid

Many people confuse Rhiannon and Brigid because they are both powerful and influential female figures in Celtic myths. For example, both Rhiannon and Brigid lost their sons, but while Brigid’s son was dead and lost forever, Rhiannon eventually managed to get her son back.

Both Brigid and Rhiannon came from the Otherworld, a mythical place similar to the modern concept of alternative universes and other dimensions. 

However, despite some similarities between these two goddesses, there are also many differences that clearly set them apart. Rhiannon is a Welsh Celtic goddess, while Brigid is of Irish origin. Rhiannon’s marriage almost started a war, while Brigid was married to end the war.
Rhiannon was a goddess of sun, horses, and freedom, while Brigid’s role was to rule over the fire, hearth, and home. This is probably why Brigid was later associated with a Christian saint, but Rhiannon wasn’t. Brigid was “better” at fulfilling traditional female roles, while Rhiannon was too free and untamed to be a good archetype for a Christian saint.

​Lessons of the Goddess Rhiannon

​The story of Rhiannon reminds us of the great power of female will and determination. It speaks of loving loyalty, clever planning, and dignity in adverse circumstances. It also gives us a glimpse of how women took command in history. Despite men being in charge, it was possible for women to get their way and manage money and resources.

Rhiannon is, above all else, a goddess of sovereignty. She has a voice and is unafraid to speak her truth. Hers is a teaching tale for women who have yet to grow into their full potential. It might be because they have not found and developed healthy self-respect and assertiveness. 

We all know (and sometimes are) women who find it hard to express their own needs for fear we might be seen as uncaring or too demanding. Take, for example, the people-pleaser who is always meeting the needs of others but never meeting her own. 

The goddess Rhiannon encourages her to say, “Sorry, but I just can’t take on another project right now”. All without feeling the least bit guilty about it.

And perhaps the myths of Rhiannon are also, in part, a cautionary tale. A message of the value of sisterhood and the need for a sustaining connection to any underdeveloped or rejected parts of ourselves, no matter how ‘feminine’ they might seem.

Above all else, Rhiannon stands for loving loyalty. She is a goddess who remains steadfast, comforting us in times of crisis and loss.

Rhiannon Symbols

The Goddess Rhiannon is often represented by symbols associated with her astonishing “other-worldliness.” It is not surprising that many of our icons representing enduring beauty and simple goodness are derived from the ancient goddess symbols of Rhiannon.


Rhiannon was a fairy princess and a goddess that ruled the Sun, pulling it across the sky every day. This is the reason why Rhiannon is often symbolized by the sun.

Her other symbols include horseshoes, gates, the wind, and Numbers 3 & 7.


Since Rhiannon used her horses to pull the sun, it makes no wonder that these animals represent her. In this context, horses represent freedom, courage, and strength.

Rhianon’s other symbols are badgers, frogs, hunting dogs (especially puppies), canaries and other songbirds, and hummingbirds.


Narcissus and daffodils are flowers that symbolize Rhiannon. These flowers represent loyalty, courage, forgiveness, and innocence, all the characteristics that Rhiannon had.

Her other plant symbols are leeks, pansies, forsythia, cedar and pine trees, bayberry, sage, and rosemary.


Perfumes and scents that are associated with Rhiannon are sandalwoods, neroli, bergamot, lavender, narcissus, and geranium.

Goddess Jewelry

There are many reasons why you might want to keep a healing crystal or stone close to you. Getting closer to your goddess by wearing her color or crystal is a great one. That they also look great as jewelry only makes it so much better!

Here is a guide to crystal jewelry you hopefully will find helpful. In it is a list of 30+ crystals and links to some really great looking jewelry with that crystal or stone. Enjoy!

Gems and Metals

Cat’s eye gen resembles the sun with its bright yellow color and intense shine. This is why it is often used to represent the sun, and the goddess Rhiannon, by association. 

Rhiannon’s other symbols are gold, silver, moonstone, crystal quartz, ruby, red garnet, bloodstone, and amethyst.


Gold and yellow are the colors that represent Rhiannon. Since she is the goddess of the sun, this is self-explicable.

Other colors symbolizing Rhiannon are dark green, maroon, silver, rich brown, white, black, charcoal grey, and ruby red.

Embracing the Call of Rhiannon: Recognizing Her Presence and Cultivating a Sacred Connection

Have you ever felt a deep connection with nature, animals, and the moon, and wondered if there’s more to it? For many spiritual seekers, the Celtic goddess Rhiannon may be extending an invitation to connect. Discover how to recognize the signs of her calling, invoke her presence, and nurture a meaningful relationship with this powerful Welsh goddess.

How to know if Rhiannon is calling you

To recognize Rhiannon’s call, pay attention to nature. Encounters with horses, birds, or feelings of peace in natural settings may be signs. Keep an eye out for any animals that seem drawn to you, as Rhiannon often communicates through her cherished creatures.

Dreams and visions are another way Rhiannon may reach out. Dreams featuring her or her symbols, like the moon, birds, or horses, can be significant. Similarly, visions of moonlight or golden light might signal her presence.

Lastly, take note of synchronicities in your life. Repeated encounters with her symbols, or a strong attraction to her stories and mythology, can indicate that Rhiannon is calling you. These patterns may seem coincidental, but they’re worth noting.

Invoking Rhiannon

To call upon Rhiannon, choose a natural location or create an indoor space inspired by nature. Incorporate her symbols, such as the moon, horses, or images of her into your chosen area. This will help establish a connection with the goddess.

During your ritual, light candles, particularly gold or white, as they represent the moon and her divine light. Offer symbols of Rhiannon, such as feathers, tokens, or even written intentions. These offerings show your dedication and respect for her.

In meditation, focus on your breath and clear your mind. Visualize Rhiannon, her symbols, and the energy she embodies. Quietly ask for her guidance, and be open to any insights that may arise during your meditation.

Signs that Rhiannon is present

Recognizing when Rhiannon is with you is essential to deepening your connection with her. The goddess often manifests her presence in various ways, from emotional sensations to visual cues. Here are six signs to help you identify when Rhiannon is near:

  • Emotional sensations: Feelings of calm, protection, or empowerment can indicate her presence.
  • Physical reactions: Sudden warmth, tingling sensations, or goosebumps may signal she’s near.
  • Visual cues: Flashes of golden light, shadows moving, or glimpses of her symbols can be signs.
  • Auditory cues: Hearing whispers, rustling leaves, or animal sounds may suggest her presence.
  • Nature occurrences: Unusual animal encounters, especially with horses or birds, can be a signal.
  • Intuitive connection: A strong sense that Rhiannon is with you, even if you can’t pinpoint why, can be a sign of her presence.

Cultivating a relationship with Rhiannon

To build a deeper connection with Rhiannon, establish a consistent practice of meditation, prayer, or ritual to honor her. Make regular offerings, such as during the full moon, to demonstrate your commitment to the goddess.

Embrace her values by fostering compassion and empathy in your life. Protect and nurture nature and animals, as these aspects are central to her being. Aligning your life with her principles will help deepen your connection to her.

Finally, study her mythology and history. Read about Rhiannon and her place in Welsh mythology, and engage with others who share your interest. By exchanging insights and experiences, you’ll develop a richer understanding of the goddess and strengthen your bond with her.

Meditations To ​Invoke The Goddess Rhiannon

  • Rhiannon, help me to release all feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness.
  • Remind me, Rhiannon, that I am secure and grounded in the realities of my life.
  • Your faith in the future is strong, Rhiannon. Share it with me.
  • Rhiannon, remind me to reach out to others with confidence today.
  • Great Goddess, help me to release my fears that others may exploit me.
  • Rhiannon, help me to accept uncertainty and ambiguity in my life.
  • Great Goddess, remind me that my life and its struggles are both meaningful and rewarding.
  • Thank you, Rhiannon, for helping me to be optimistic and serene today.​
  • Rhiannon, I join you in supporting others from the fullness of my heart.​
  • Rhiannon, show me how to release any dark and destructive fantasies.
  • Goddess, I affirm that I have the courage to overcome my doubts and fears.​
  • I call upon you, Rhiannon, to help me trust that I can make miracles happen in my own life.
  • Rhiannon, like you, just being alive fills my heart with joy!

Want To Bring More Rhiannon Qualities Into Your Life?

Marsyas, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
  • Be confident. Act confident. Others will see your strengths if only you will accept yourself.
  • Select something or someone that you feel strongly or passionately about. Then throw yourself with abandon into expressing your care, even if it means risking rejection or calling attention to yourself.
  • Sitting quietly, close your eyes, and inhale deeply. Imagine yourself on horseback, flying through the moonlit night, hair flying in the wind. When you feel overburdened by your responsibilities, recall this image of your complete freedom, and your load will lighten.
  • Rhiannon, who later became the Lady of the Lake in the Arthurian legend, was known for granting the wishes of those who would ask directly for what they wanted. Practice speaking directly and telling someone what you really want.
  • Dance your cares away. Turn on the stereo, and release your body in the passion of the music. Twirl and leap until your head begins to spin. Rhiannon was the goddess of the wind.
  • Permit yourself to feel beautiful, free, and loving. Without feeling guilty, make the time to do those things that delight and please you.

  • Take your place in the limelight, even if it makes you uncomfortable at first. Call attention to one of your contributions to the family or community. Don’t be bashful, and make sure they notice!
  • Surround yourself with Rhiannon’s symbols. Dress in her colors, and think of her appreciatively as you light a bayberry candle and put on your moonstone earrings!

Other Goddesses

If you enjoyed this post we are sure you will enjoy getting to know some of the other goddesses we also write about. You can find the complete list of goddesses sorted across regions and religions here.

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Liz Turnbull

Sharon and Elizabeth Turnbull, mother and daughter team and the website's midwives, had over 45 years of combined work and continuous study in psychology when they decided to create the Goddess Quiz and goddessgift.com. In 2001, we launched our mission to provide visitors with tools for personal insight, self-knowledge, inspiration, and refinement. Sharon, the bestselling author of Goddess Gift (a book about finding the goddess in yourself) worked as a senior partner in a consulting firm, a speaker at seminars and conferences, and as a professor and administrator at four universities during an academic career that spanned over three decades. Liz is also a published author who works as a healthcare provider, an instructor in communication skills for healthcare providers, and leads workshops on multiple subjects including health/healing, communication, and personal growth. It is our greatest hope that our gift may help the Sacred Feminine within and all around us thrive and bless us all with Her Gifts.