The Goddess Quiz

What could be more fun than discovering your personal connection to a legendary goddess who’s been rockin’ the world since the beginning of time? The Goddess Quiz lets you discover your inner goddess.

For Black Week it is only $12.95 (Reg. $22.95)

Which goddess/god sounds most like you?  Are you a cool-headed, logical Athena?  A sizzling, red-hot Aphrodite type?  The mothering, compassionate Demeter?  Or one of the other fascinating types?  Is it time to discover?

Your highly personalized Inner Goddess/God Report will show you how to apply your goddess/god personality to your work, life and relationships, allowing you to express yourself as the woman you were always meant to be.

The Quiz is for you if you’d like to:​

  •  Embark on a journey of self-discovery​
  •  Empower yourself with intention and feel a greater sense of control over your life
  •  Simply just catch your breath and reflect on the patterns of your life
  •  Trust yourself more
  •  Live your life with passion and purpose
  •  Discover a delightful sense of adventure and play

What’s so special about the Quiz?

Get ready. We’re going to introduce you to the Goddess Quiz, an online personality test that reveals your inner goddess or god, whose personality most closely resembles your own.

Weaving together the assessment of your personality traits and those of your goddess or god archetype, we guarantee that your Goddess/God Report will be useful, intriguing, and absolutely unique because it’s all about you.

Which Goddess Are You?

The Goddess Quiz Reveals Your Goddess Type

Your 20+ page Goddess Report will tell you everything you need to know to begin your journey towards a fulfilling, authentic life.

This outline gives you only a small sample of what the Goddess Quiz and Report has to offer. The report reveals your inner goddess or god, who represents your personality type. But it is the in-depth analysis of your specific traits that makes it a valuable road map for your journey through life.

For Black Week it is only $12.95 (Reg. $22.95)

Now, you’re probably wondering how and why we can do all those things. Let me explain.

Your Report contains a wealth of valuable, detailed information about your personality and how it impacts the major areas of your life.

The report itself is fascinating, and you’ll probably want to share it with your friends and family. Since it details ways that you can use your new understandings for personal growth and spiritual development, you will certainly want to refer to it from time to time.

The Goddesses Quiz and Personal Archetypes

  • How to Use Your Personal Report. An explanation of how your goddess archetype influences the patterns of your life and the nature of your ‘gifts’, the temperament you were given at birth.
  • Your Personal Goddess/God Type.  Identifies the name of the goddess or god whose personality most closely resembles your own, the archetype for your personality type. The myths of your goddess or god and her/his symbols.

Your Goddess in Relationships

Offers an in-depth view of our most important relationships and how our archetype influences the way we form our relationships with our loved ones. . . our mates, our parents, and our children. Provides a positive framework for managing the natural differences between people, differences that so often end in disappointment or conflict:

  • Your Goddess Type as a Child  
  • Your Goddess Type as a Parent 
  • Your Goddess Type and Your Mate

Another excerpt from an individual Psyche report: Psyches usually need a home that is well kept because she is greatly bothered by clutter.  Consequently, she tends to do more than her fair share of the everyday chores and can come to resent the inequity, wishing her partner would pitch in and help. (More follows . . . )

Your Goddess Under Stress:

Typical ways your type functions under stress, Characteristic negative thoughts (fears and anxieties) that produce stress for you and the vulnerable areas of the body and major health issues for your goddess type.

Another sample from an individual Psyche report: Conflict within a Psyche woman’s relationships, especially her closest ones, is highly stressful for her. Her quiet personality and pleasant nature makes her particularly vulnerable to being hurt. Most Psyches have a tendency to avoid conflict at any cost, even it requires suppressing their own needs and feelings. (More follows . . . )

Your Personal Goddess Path

  • Your Goddess Allies: The two goddesses who are your “Goddess Allies.” These are your secondary goddess types, ones that you can call upon to help you with situations that are difficult for your inborn goddess type.
  • Recognizing Your Missing Goddess: Your ‘missing goddess’ (the neglected/rejected part of your personality) and what you need to do to keep her from wreaking havoc in your life.
  • Approaching the Triple Goddess: How to use your new knowledge of your goddess type as a tool for personal growth and development.
  • Ways to Grow for Your Goddess Type: Specific suggestions for activities you can do to strengthen your own goddess type or to tap into the energies of the other goddess types.

Your 20+  page Goddess Report will highlight the strengths of your personal goddess as well as her limitations. Moreover. it will show how you compare to your goddess on 25 different personality traits. It also tells you how you compare to others who have already answered the same questions. Your Goddess Report will also identify your “missing goddess” (your undeveloped traits). Furthermore, it also identifies the other goddesses present in your personality that is available, as allies, to help you find ways to make your life more meaningful and authentic.

The Goddess Quiz: Its Science Based

The Goddess Quiz is based on material having a stamp of professionalism and credibility that is unrivaled in personality testing. Items in the test were developed by scores of experienced psychologists, statisticians and specialists in personality theory.

The questions in the Goddess Quiz were chosen from the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP-NEO). It measures normal differences in personality on 30 different personality domains. 

Experts in organizations worldwide are using tests derived from the IPIP. This includes psychologists in private practice, governmental agencies, universities, and human resource departments.

Give yourself a boost today!

The Best Investment You Can Make Is In Yourself!