Ériu, the Celtic goddess, is not only a powerful manifestation of the divine feminine but was so important in the pre-Christian era that she gives her name to Ireland itself: Éire. According to legend, Ériu is of the Tuatha De Danann, a race of gods and goddesses who arrived through a mystical fog on the coast of Ireland in ancient times.
This is a goddess with profound ties to the natural landscape. The rich earth, life-giving rivers, deep forests, and hidden valleys are all held within her collective embrace. Turn to Ériu to reconnect with your true, inner self, celebrate your divine feminine energy, and reclaim your power.
Ériu’s Symbols and Sacred Sites
The color green is strongly associated with the goddess Ériu, as is the symbol of a harp, which she was said to play beautifully. Harps are affiliated with royalty, which also points to this deity’s role as guardian and steward of the land. Oak trees, bees, and cows are also linked with Ériu.
Abi Skipp, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The Hill of Uisneach in Ireland is one of the most sacred sites connected with Ériu. Said to be the final resting place of the goddess, the “Catstone” is where legend says she was buried. The Celtic god Lugh, who gives his name to the harvest sabat of Lughnasadh, is also said to be buried under this sacred stone – according to some legends, he was Ériu’s lover. The hill’s name translates as “place of cinders” or “place of the hearth” and can be seen from twenty Irish counties.
Celtic tradition says that this hill acts as a portal to the otherworldly province of Mide. Furthermore, it remains today the sacred and spiritual center of Ireland. The fire festival sabat of Beltane is celebrated with a huge bonfire at the top of the Hill of Uisneach each year, to honor the season and Ériu herself.
Other Goddesses Connected with Ériu
Ériu has two sisters, Fódla and Banba, and together the three are powerful sovereignty goddesses of Ireland. Like their sister, Fódla and Banba are both tutelary goddesses, acting as guardians, protectors, and patrons of the Emerald Isle. The sisters were reputed to be wed to a trio of brothers: Cetar, Detar, and Etar.
As a triple goddess, Ériu and her sisters are linked to another powerful female triumvirate: that of Macha, Babd, and The Morrigan. All six goddesses are said to be the daughters of the Mother Goddess Ernmas, who also bore a trinity of sons: Coscar, Gnim, and Glonn.
Ériu and the Milesians
Long after the Tuatha De Danann appeared on Ireland’s shores, the Milesians arrived. This rival race was set on dominating the country and was led by the druid Amergin. Intuiting that the age of the Milesians was nearing, Ériu, Fódla, and Banba knew that soon they and the rest of the Tuatha De Danann would be returning through the mist to other realms.
With this in mind, each of the sisters met Amergin at the top of their favorite mountain, asking that the land of Ireland be named for them. At the top of the Hill of Uisneach, Amergin was most moved by Ériu’s presence and her connection to the land. He granted her request, ensuring that Ireland would forever bear the mark of the goddess. The names of Fódla and Banba can also be found used as alternatives to “Ireland” in some Irish poetry.
Approaching Ériu
Try a Ritual to Reclaim Your Personal Power
As a sovereignty goddess, a great way to approach and work with Ériu is through a sovereignty ritual. Follow these steps, being guided by your intuition throughout.
- I like to start by lighting a candle, taking a few deep breaths, and finding a calm peaceful mindset. However, do whatever works for you. You may wish to meditate for a while before beginning the ritual, have a soothing bath, or simply relax and clear your mind.
- Now, consider ways you may change your personality or make yourself smaller to “fit” in with others’ expectations, or not to cause a fuss. Commit to always being your true self, in all situations. Visualize this now.
- Look honestly at the places or feelings within you that may be chaotic, disruptive, manipulative, or addictive, for example. Look these things in the face, without judgment. Commit to seeing these behaviors for what they are, and what has caused them. Visualize yourself releasing the past trauma or issues that have ultimately caused these shadows to form.
- Consider ways you can honor your body and mind as the sacred spaces they are. What might they need that you’re not giving them? Are you eating a nutritious diet for example, and giving yourself enough headspace to relax and reset between tasks? Commit to advocating for your body and mind, listening to them, responding to them, and giving them what they need. Visualize your body and mind suffused by beautiful, white, protective light.
At the end of the ritual, you may wish to leave the candle burning while journaling some affirmations that connect with your commitments. Read or speak these aloud at the beginning and end of every day. Ask Ériu to help you on your journey.
Honor the Earth
Ériu is a goddess of the Earth and abundance, so why not approach her by taking mindful steps to honor the life-giving Earth and natural environment? There are lots of ways you can incorporate Earth rituals into your daily life.
Try Yoga
Yoga incorporates lots of positions designed to help ground us and create a strong connection with the Earth element. Poses such as Mountain, Tree, and – my personal favorite – Child nurture this connection and can help us feel more rooted and at peace.
Go Barefoot
One of the most effective ways to reconnect with the Earth is also the simplest. Make some time to walk, or just stand, barefoot outside every day. This could be in your backyard, at a beach, or simply on an area of pavement. Notice the sensation of the ground beneath your feet, feeling its texture, temperature, and the energy moving through you.
Walk Lightly on the Earth
Honor Ériu by protecting the land – just as she did. Take steps to be as eco-friendly as possible in your daily life. Reuse and recycle, choose environmentally-friendly products, and bike, walk, or take public transport instead of driving when you can. Little changes can make a big difference.
Create an Altar to Ériu
To welcome Ériu into your daily life, why not create an altar to this goddess? This special space can then form the focus of your meditations, rituals, and reverence. Choose the color green for your altar cloth, or opt for green candles to place on its surface. Add Ériu’s symbols to your altar, such as acorns, oak leaves, and a small bowl of honey, as well as images or small sculptures of bees and cows.
You may like to place some crystals on your altar. Green-colored stones such as emerald, jade, green aventurine, and green calcite are perfect. Items collected on a nature walk, like found leaves, pebbles, blossoms, twigs, and moss are also perfect.
Celebrating Beltane with Ériu
The goddess Ériu is inherently connected to the sabat of Beltane, which celebrates the beginning of summer. As part of the festivities in ancient Ireland, a huge bonfire was lit on the Hill of Uisneach. The hot embers of which would light other fires throughout the whole community and, eventually, the entire country. The smoke from these fires was believed to be healing and purifying for people and animals. As cattle were taken to summer pastures it was customary for them to be driven through this smoke.
Enjoy Beltane with friends and family, perhaps gathering around a bonfire and enjoying a May Day feast together. Take a look at the following traditional Celtic Beltane superstitions – you may wish to try some out yourself!
- Before dawn on Beltane, children would traditionally pick wildflowers, gorse, and hawthorn blossoms, placing them on the doorstep of their homes to bring prosperity all year round.
- During May, folk would avoid passing over a fairy fort (now known as ringforts, these structures are scattered throughout Ireland) without attempting to honor the fairy folk.
- On the day of Beltane, eggs, milk, butter, and salt would not be taken out of the house and the Beltane fire would not be extinguished early.
- Traditional Beltane offerings – often left for the fairy folk – included bowls of milk, flowers, bright, shiny trinkets, and ribbons.
Embracing the Goddess Ériu
Ériu is the ultimate expression of the feminine divine, representing our deep and symbiotic connection with the Earth. She is a powerful deity, associated with sovereignty, protection, and stewardship of the land. Furthermore she has left an enduring legacy on Ireland’s culture and spirituality which persists today. Turn to Ériu to deepen your connection with the Earth and your inner self. Reclaim your personal power, and access your own feminine divine energy.