Amulets, Charms, Talismans: How to Choose and Charge Them

Since time immemorial, people have resorted to creating various magical artifacts to protect themselves or attract the necessary energies and benefits. As a rule, these are items of personal use, the charitable effect of which is directed to the sole owner. Such items include amulets, charms, and talismans. The number of people wearing amulets and lucky charms is steadily increasing all over the world.

What is the Difference Between a Charm, Amulet, and Talisman?

A talisman is an object designed to protect and preserve its owner from negativity. As a rule, it is an item that does not necessarily have clear signs of belonging to a specific sacred tradition. It can be any item that has significance for the owner (a gift from someone close to them, memorabilia associated with important life events or significant people, etc.). Charms usually derive their power from the faith of their owner and are not always fueled by any additional magical symbols or energy channels.

An amulet is an object created in the course of magical rituals or in the form of magical symbols that carry a sacred meaning shared by a spiritual tradition. In this regard, there are Slavic, Buddhist, Hindu, Celtic, and other amulets. An amulet always protects its owner from something: harmful influences, bad luck, illness, etc. Unlike charms, amulets always belong to a spiritual or magical tradition. For example, the protective Hamsa is a Hindu symbol, and the pentagram, a five-pointed star, is a sacred protective symbol of many pagan traditions.

Amulets have been worn for protection for thousands of years. Ancient people lived in a world where strange and frightening things happened that could not be explained. So, amulets were used to protect the home, family, and livestock. Amulets were also used to protect people from the evil eye. Even today, in many parts of the world, the evil eye is considered a serious threat, and various types of amulets are used to prevent it. Originally, amulets were natural objects, such as an animal tooth or a semi-precious stone. For example, knots have long been effective amulets because they are believed to catch and “bind” evil spirits.

A talisman is an object that brings certain energies into a person’s life: good luck, love, and prosperity. Most often, these are magically powered artifacts that carry certain qualities and energies. As talismans are designed to provide strength, energy, and special benefits, they are often made at times that are considered important from a spiritual or astrological point of view.

However, it is not enough to take an object and call it a talisman. It can be a sacred object, such as a cross or pentacle, or something that has no obvious spiritual connection, such as a favorite ring, pendant, or even a piece of paper. It can have symbols or inscriptions on it, but this is not necessary. What is necessary is that energy must be invested in the talisman to charge or sanctify it. It must have a specific purpose. This goal can be general (for example, health) or specific (to get a certain job, etc.). Only a properly and consciously charged amulet or talisman will really work.

How to Choose Your Amulet/Talisman?

Take your time when choosing an amulet. Think about the purpose for which you want it and how you will wear it.

When choosing or creating such magical artifacts, it is very important to have a personal understanding of the meanings and nature of the symbols that are embedded in them. If, for example, you know nothing about runes, then a runic talisman is unlikely to bring you the desired result. Most likely, in this case, it will remain just a beautiful thing that does not resonate with you. In order for such an object to be effective, you need to be imbued with its history, symbolism, and sacred meaning. You should not just blindly believe, but also understand how the talisman works.

If you wear a talisman of financial success, your subconscious mind will work towards this goal and draw your attention to financial opportunities. And here we can say that your belief in the talisman gives you the necessary power to allow the process to work. Of course, there is no point in wearing a talisman if you do not believe in it.

Speaking of good luck, amulets can also bring good fortune in online casinos. A well-chosen amulet could be your lucky charm while playing. For instance, the Stay Casino free chip will definitely bring benefits. Remember, whether it’s an amulet or a casino chip, understanding and belief in its power are key to unlocking its potential.

How to Clean and Charge an Amulet/Talisman?

After you have chosen a talisman, it needs to be charged to fill it with power and energy. Talismans are important magical tools that should be dedicated to you and your specific goals. If you buy a ready-made product, it is better to cleanse it of extraneous energies before using it. The craftsman who created it put his work and, accordingly, his energy into this object. The talisman was also in the store for some time, where other people could look at it and try it on, which also left its own energy trace. Cleansing a future amulet involves the complete removal of someone else’s energy and thought forms from it. It is important that the previous energy of the object completely disappears. After all, only an empty vessel can be filled. This does not apply to those amulets that have been charged by a knowledgeable person specifically for you and for your needs.

The best option is to purify a magical artifact with the help of the four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. With the help of pristine natural energies, you can not only “zero” the energy of the talisman, but also fill it with the power of the elements.

Choose the right time for cleansing. It is better if it is the period of the waning moon. It is known that on the waning moon it is good to get rid of what is not needed or has outlived its usefulness. If you are familiar with the energies and influences of the planets, you can choose the appropriate planetary day and hour for cleansing. You can learn more about calculating planetary days and hours in this article.

The process of cleansing an artifact involves the physical and spiritual purity of the space and the person performing the ritual. Before cleansing the talisman, you should take a bath or shower and clean the space where you will be working. While working with the amulet, thoughts should be clear and fully concentrated on the process.

Purification by the energies of the elements is considered one of the most effective ways in magic. To perform the amulet purification ritual, you will need four elements of the Elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Take a candle as the element of Fire. Choose the color of the candle according to the nature of the purification. Most often, black or white candles are used for this purpose, but you can choose another color.

Purification by the element of Air can be done with an incense stick or any other natural incense. By smoking a talisman, you purify it on the subtle plane with the element of Air. In addition, you can use, for example, a Tibetan bowl to purify with Air – the sound and vibration will effectively cleanse your amulet.

For cleansing with the Earth, you can take both living earth and use sea salt. Pour salt on a saucer and bury your amulet in it. Leave it for a while (an hour, a night, a day – be guided by your own feelings), then take out the amulet and rinse it under running water.

Purification by the element of Water can be done by placing the talisman under a stream of running water. If you are doing the ritual at home, use a tap, or if you are outdoors, a river, stream, or spring will do. For these purposes, you can also immerse the jewelry in melt water for a while. You can also make it yourself at home (freeze it in the freezer of the refrigerator). In the cold season, you can melt snow or ice.

Cleansing is carried out according to the traditional scheme described above. This is the basis to which you can add your own work (incantations, mantras, work with a tambourine, bell, Tibetan bowl, etc.). The cleansing ritual can be performed in nature or in a place of power. Wherever the ceremony takes place, it is your inner attitude and detachment from extraneous thoughts that is very important.

Unlike the cleansing process, it is better to choose the period of the growing moon to consecrate and charge the talisman. You also think about choosing the day and hour of the planet that is most in tune with your amulet and its purpose. If it’s a money talisman, it’s good to charge it under Jupiter or the Sun; if it’s for love, choose Venus or the Moon, for protection, Mars, etc. There are many different ways to charge a talisman.

6 Reasons to Make Your Own Amulet or Talisman

  1. Natural materials: When making a talisman with your own hands, you can collect materials from special places or times in your life. This is a great way to bring that special energy into your life.
  2. When you need it: You can make your own talismans for specific goals, or simply to use them continuously.
  3. Personal energy: When you make a talisman yourself, you imbue it with your personal energy, making it more powerful and effective for your purposes.
  4. Incorporate special items: Use jewelry or items that hold special meaning to you, which can enhance the power of the talisman.
  5. Creativity: Making your own talisman is a great way to express your creativity and make something unique and personal.
  6. Customization: You can choose the material, shape, and color of your talisman to suit your specific needs and desires.

Photo by petr sidorov on Unsplash

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Evelyn Anderson

Hello, my name is Evelyn though my friends call me "Evie". I live in the Pacific Northwest, where I am constantly left in awe by the beauty of nature around me. During the day I have the privilege of caring for and cherishing all living beings as a veterinary assistant. However outside of work I embrace a world of spirituality that has truly enriched my mind and spirit. Tarot, crystals, angel numbers, and my bond with nature are some of the guiding forces on this journey. Ever since my teenage years I have had a strong connection with spirituality and especially tarot.